客服熱線 (852) 2500 1313 (86) 4008 411 118

交易熱線 (852) 2500 1388 (852) 2500 1368




日期: 2024-06-14

Dear Valued Customer,
Amendment to the Terms and Conditions of Securities for the Account.

We would like to inform you that the Terms and Conditions of Securities (known as “Revised Terms and Conditions”) have been amended with effect from 30 days after the date of this notices. A summary of main changes can be found below:
(1); Schedule 3 3.7     The Client hereby authorises the Company to act on instructions relating to the Client's Securities, including the exercise of voting and other rights attached to the Securities.  The Company may decline to act on any instruction in its absolute discretion without giving any reason therefor or any instruction which is incomplete or ambiguous, or which is not received in sufficient time for the Company to act thereon. For avoidance of doubt, the authorisation instruction on exercise of voting shall be duly sent to the Company at least 24 hours before the deadline.
(2); Schedule 4 3.7     The Client hereby authorises the Company to act on instructions relating to the Client's Securities, including the exercise of voting and other rights attached to the Securities.  The Company may decline to act on any instruction in its absolute discretion without giving any reason therefor or any instruction which is incomplete or ambiguous, or which is not received in sufficient time for the Company to act thereon. For avoidance of doubt, the authorisation instruction on exercise of voting shall be duly sent to the Company at least 24 hours before the deadline.
You can read the Revised Terms and Conditions by visiting our website at https://www.ccnew.com.hk/tc/customer-service/download. Please read the Revised Terms and Conditions carefully and completely. Please contact us if you need any clarification or you may seek for independent advice if necessary. If you continue to use our dealing services, you are deemed to have accepted the Revised Terms and Conditions.
Should you have any queries, please call our Customer Services Hotline at (852) 2500 1313 during office hours.
We thank you for your continuous support and we shall continue to extend the best services to you as we have done in the past.
Yours faithfully,
Central China International Securities Co., Limited
This letter is computer-generated and requires no signature. The English version shall prevail in the event of conflict.


茲通知 閣下,我司對《證券業務條款及條件》(下稱“條款及條件”)作出了修訂,有關修訂將於本通知之日起 30 天後生效。修改主要內容概要如下:
(1)附表三3.7        客戶謹此授權公司按有關客戶證券的指示行事,包括行使證券附帶的投票及其它權利。公司可能絕對酌情拒絕按任何指示行事,毋須給予任何原因,或不完整或含糊的任何指示,或公司接獲後未有充分時間行事的指示。為免生疑問,行使表決權的授權指示應在截止時間前至少 24 小時正式送達公司。
(2)附表四3.7        客戶謹此授權公司按有關客戶證券的指示行事,包括行使證券附帶的投票及其它權利。公司可能絕對酌情拒絕按任何指示行事,毋須給予任何原因,或不完整或含糊的任何指示,或公司接獲後未有充分時間行事的指示。為免生疑問,行使表決權的授權指示應在截止時間前至少 24 小時正式送達公司。
閣下欲閱覽修訂之條款及細則,請瀏覽我司網址:https://www.ccnew.com.hk/tc/customer-service/download。敬請 閣下細心完整閱讀修訂之條款及細則,如有任何問題,歡迎 閣下聯絡我司或徵求獨立意見。若 閣下繼續使用我司的交易服務,則會被視為接受此修訂之條款及條件。
閣下如對上述安排有任何疑問,歡迎在辦公時間內致電客戶服務熱線 (852) 2500 1313 查詢。
在此,再次感謝 閣下過往及今後對我司之支持!


